Sunday, 13 June 2010

Central Reservation and PRSC Jamaica Street Studios Open Day

Yesterday i went to check out the competition at Check out no.3 the art market at Central Reservation.

A couple of things that grabbed my attention were-

Art Equals Happy by Kim Smith

Jamaica Street Studios was great as they had reclaimed furniture decorated by artists which are now part of a silent auction open to the public. There is also an art auction going on till July 23rd i think! A great opportunity for any artist.

Also if anyone is walking down stokes croft, The Free Shop is definitely worth a look! Opened by a homeless man, he takes donations of clothes, toys, books, etc and you can take anything you want for free! I picked up a few frames and old hymm books for artwork.
There is a brief mention of it in Toff No.17.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the link. [: but it's Kim Smith
it was really fun being there.

Linda Bennett said...

Haha im so sorry! just been looking at pics of your green hair, love it! x