Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Getting things finished!

Been away to Glasto for a few days, so immediately got back and set my sights on finishing my piece for 100 Sqft! 

'A Modern Curiosity' 2010

I have submitted the picture so might do a few tweaks before i send it off! Otherwise i dont have to think about it for 2 weeks!

As of tomorrow I'm back on the website images for Liam (amazing web designer man) to form into a beautiful place to promote me!

Also if i have time i might try and submit something to Amelia's Competition...
We'll see how i go!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

100 SQFT (Work In Progress - still going!)

So this is what is looks like at the moment!
The background is from the books i picked up at The Free Shop. There are many more bits to add to the background to give it more of an antique shop feel.

I went to meet with the lovely ladies of Shop Dutty yesterday to show them my work and see if i can help them out at all. They liked my work and waiting to hear back on getting a bit of fashion customising experience there! Fingers crossed!

While i was in that neck of the woods, i went back to PRSC and gave them a framed version of this - >
Now part of the Dutch Auction, it will be up for 2 weeks.

I also found out today my work will be coming down in the art space at Urban Outfitters on the 5th July... This makes me sad, however lovely Russell (In store display artist) has asked me to come back at the end of October.. This makes me happy!

I also bought this beautiful colour paint called pink blush as i have decided to start painting again!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Central Reservation and PRSC Jamaica Street Studios Open Day

Yesterday i went to check out the competition at Check out no.3 the art market at Central Reservation.

A couple of things that grabbed my attention were-

Art Equals Happy by Kim Smith

Jamaica Street Studios was great as they had reclaimed furniture decorated by artists which are now part of a silent auction open to the public. There is also an art auction going on till July 23rd i think! A great opportunity for any artist.

Also if anyone is walking down stokes croft, The Free Shop is definitely worth a look! Opened by a homeless man, he takes donations of clothes, toys, books, etc and you can take anything you want for free! I picked up a few frames and old hymm books for artwork.
There is a brief mention of it in Toff No.17.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

100 SQFT (Work In Progress)


This week im working on my piece for the 100sqft show.
The whole piece is inspired by the antique shop i came across in Devizes last week.

This is the first part.

Also this week-

BrokenLogo has kindly put together a Pdf portfolio for me to send out to clients. 

Also The Evil Beat have asked me to produce some artwork for their upcoming EP!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Ive had this account for two years and now ive decided to go forth into the world of blogging.
This blog will play the part of my online sketchbook!

My online presence takes this form of -

You can also find me on Twitter @CreateLinda

My work is now on display in Urban Outfitters @ Cabot Circus, Bristol

Check back for my sketches for 100SQFT show!